Learning and news features
What Is Mecharithm?
The word Mecharithm comes from Mechatronics and Algorithm. Our mission in Mecharithm is to make the fields of Robotics, Mechatronics, AI, and VR/AR accessible, understandable, enjoyable, and available to everyone! Mecharithm is a comprehensive platform where you can find anything related to Robotics, Mechatronics, ML/DL/AI, and VR/AR/XR from learning to news to job matching using machine learning and AI algorithms.
Virtual Reality(VR) Course
What Is Virtual Reality (VR)?
A Robotic Simulator in Unity Course
Robotic Simulator: How to Define Different Types of
Virtual Reality(VR) Course
VR Robotics Simulator: Scene Optimization for Oculus VR Headset
Here is the Newest News in Robotics World
Medical robots
Duty Cycling of Waterjet Can Improve Steerability and
Arm Robots
The Sapien 6M Intelligent Robotic Arm
Service/Social robots