Learning and news features
What Is Mecharithm?
The word Mecharithm comes from Mechatronics and Algorithm. Our mission in Mecharithm is to make the fields of Robotics, Mechatronics, AI, and VR/AR accessible, understandable, enjoyable, and available to everyone! Mecharithm is a comprehensive platform where you can find anything related to Robotics, Mechatronics, ML/DL/AI, and VR/AR/XR from learning to news to job matching using machine learning and AI algorithms.
Fundamentals of Robotics Course
Explicit Representation of the Orientation: Exponential Coordinates
Robot Operating System (ROS1) Course
ROS Parameter Server and ROS Bags
Virtual Reality(VR) Course
VR Robotics Simulator: Introduction to the Course
Here is the Newest News in Robotics World
Service/Social robots
Vector Home Robot
Medical robots
Heat Treatment of Nitinol for Different Stylet Shapes
Industrial robots