December, 29, 2021

Automating the Thinning of Peach Orchards

Researchers at Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), led by Ai-Ping Hu, have developed an autonomous robot that can perform thinning of peach trees to produce bigger, sweeter, and healthier peaches.

Image credit: Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and Ai-Ping Hu

Key features:

  • LIDAR sensing system along with GPS is used for obstacle avoidance and navigation of the robot through the peach orchard
  • a 3D camera is used to identify the peachlets that should be removed
  • the end-effector is a claw-like device suitable for picking
  • AI and deep learning methods can be utilized to enhance robot’s image classification capabilities
Image credit: Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and Ai-Ping Hu

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